Docy Child

Your dashboard explained

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Your homepage is made up of dashboard-style charts designed to give you an overview of your account and pointers towards areas that might need some attention.

This will display when you log in, or click the Home tab to view.

The number of entries in your Legal Register that are marked as relevant, and how many of them have no compliance comments.

Compliance comments are a good way to record how you comply with legislation through evaluation of compliance.

The number of entries with each traffic light status in your Legislation Register.

Traffic light statuses can be added to visually represent compliance status with the entries in your Legislation Register.

The number of actions from your Legislation Register that are complete, pending, overdue, and to be set (in need of a deadline or assignee).

Compliance actions are used to assign tasks with deadlines to users in your account.

A list of the entries that are relevant in your Legislation Register that have been updated in the month shown.

Updates to legislation may result in a change in compliance duties you need to be aware of. 

(Environment Subscribers)

List of the significant aspects from your Aspects register.

The environmental impacts of your significant aspects should be reduced or mitigated.

(Health & Safety Subscribers)

List of the hazards with the highest risk rating from your Risk Assessment register.

Action must be taken to reduce the risks of high-risk hazards before the work/activity can commence or continue.

Chart showing priority vs non-priority entries in your Risks & Opportunities register.

Priority risks or opportunities should be addressed.

This shows any entries in your Objectives register with no outstanding actions set against them.

Add actions against your objectives to ensure you keep moving towards the goal.

A list of the most recent changes made to entries in your registers.

A list of the most recent logins by users in this account.

Quick Links contains links to webinars, events, training and resources from The Compliance People.

Keep an eye on this section as we’ll update it with anything new.

Click More Info on the charts with this button to be taken to look at that section in more detail.

TIP: The comments and traffic light charts will take you to the Full Register View of your legal register. You can filter and sort to locate your pieces without a comment, or view a list of your less compliant pieces to focus on.