Docy Child

Add compliance comments

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Compliance comments can document how you comply with each particular piece of law and record any audit findings.

Aim to have a compliance comment against every relevant piece of legislation. Leave a new comment each time you periodically review your register to document this activity.

1. Click the Compliance Comments tab within a piece of legislation.

Any past compliance comments left will be visible here.

2. Click Add Comment.

3. This will display a text box where you should input your evaluation of compliance against the piece.

TIP: Use the Summary & Duties to help with knowing your compliance obligations, to assist with your compliance evaluation.

4. Click Submit Comment.

5. Your compliance comment will appear with an author and date stamp. This forms your audit trail and shows when the piece was last reviewed.

Multiple comments against a piece will stack on top of each other in chronological order.

1. If needed, you can edit or delete using the buttons below each comment.

2. If your account has multiple sites, copy can copy a compliance comment directly into another register, to save time when something is managed centrally/in the same way across multiple sites.

Use the tick boxes to select the sites you wish the comment to appear in and click Copy to sites.