Docy Child

Managing your Actions

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

There’s now just one page for all the actions in your account. We’ve merged the actions lists from the different registers and disciplines into a single list, accessible from the Actions tab in the main navigation menu.

Expand the below tabs to see how to use different functions of Actions.

Apply and save filters

Use the filter options at the top of the actions page to narrow down the list of actions in view.

Filter the actions list by:

  • Site (if you have a multi-site account)
  • Status (pending / overdue / completed)
  • Urgency (yes / no)
  • Deadline (in the next 1/3/6 months)
  • FAO (person nominated to complete the action)
  • Discipline (Environment / Health & Safety / Quality / Other)
  • Register (Legislation Register / Aspects / Risk Assessment / Risks & Opportunities / Objectives)
  • Set by (person that set the action)

Once you have set a filter you can save it. Your saved filter will be in view on your next login.

Complete and edit actions from the actions page

Click the icon in the Manage column on the right to Mark as Complete, Edit, Delete and view the History of your actions.

Add actions

Click Add Action in the top right of the Actions page.

Your action can be added with no associations to the content in LUS. This could be a general or account-level action.

Alternatively, you can click Link to… at the bottom of the Add Action popup to associate your action with a discipline, register or register item.

Reopen completed actions

Action completed by mistake? You can reopen an action, allowing you to edit the completed action by clicking Re-open Action.

User levels and actions permissions

Not all users have the same permissions with actions.

Super-users can complete, edit and delete all actions in an account.

Multi-users and Users can edit and delete only actions set by themselves.

Multi-users, Users and Observers can only complete actions that have been assigned to them.