Docy Child

View legislation and understand compliance obligations

Estimated reading: 1 minute

1. Hover over the Registers tab, then Legislation, and click Environment or Health & Safety.

2. Expand the chapters to view titles of relevant legislation. Click anywhere within a legal entry’s line to access it.

3. You’ll see a title and mini summary of the entry, followed by a series of expandable blue tabs.

4. Click Summary and Duties.

Here you’ll find a summary of the legal duties. Our in-house consultants translate this into plain English and condense it down to what your organisation needs to do to be compliant. This is to help you quickly and easily understand your compliance obligations.

If you do wish to access the full government text, scroll to the bottom of the Summary and Duties section and click Link to full text.

If you have any queries relating to legislation, including clarification regarding a Summary and Duties, please submit this to our helpline service.