Docy Child

Record compliance against updates

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Recording compliance against updates forms your audit trail showing that your organisation is aware of and implements any relevant legislation changes.

1. Click the icon in the bottom left of an update to display options for reviewing compliance.

2. Two buttons will be visible.

You can mark the update as having No change in compliance, if the update does not produce any changes.

Create compliance comment / action will display a pop-up containing a text box.

Compliance comments can demonstrate how your organisation is keeping up to date with any changes the update requires. Type your comment assessing the update in the text box and click Confirm.

Compliance actions can be used if the update requires further activity to ensure compliance. The text box can also be used for inputting actions but select the Set as action tick box before clicking Confirm. This will display options to assign to a user and set a deadline.

3. Compliance comments and actions created will appear beneath the update as a hyperlink.

TIP: If your LUS account includes multiple sites, you can copy your update assessments to the other sites that you manage using the Copy to Sites button. This saves you from having to repeat the same activity at your different sites.

Clicking the hyperlink will take you to the compliance comments/actions section within the legal entry, where your inputted information will appear alongside a link back up to the associated update.

4. A counter will increase on the update when any of the options are utilised by any user within your register.

This counter will also appear on the Updates page on the right of each update, making it easy to keep track of which have been reviewed.