Docy Child

Add a Hazard to a Risk Assessment

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

You can add a hazard within Step 2 of creating a Risk Assessment.

If you’d like to add a hazard to an existing Risk Assessment, click the Title in your register, then Edit in the top right, and switch to the Step 2: Assessment tab.

1. Click Add Hazard.

2. The Severity of the hazard and Likelihood are mandatory. Use the drop-down menu to select a score for each to calculate the Risk.

Severity relates to the actual harm likely caused if the hazard occurred, and likelihood is the perceived frequency of the hazard happening.

There are also the following optional fields:

  • What is the hazard? – The title used to identify the hazard.
  • Hazard type – Select one or more to automatically draw through associated legislation.
  • Who might be harmed? – Add new text or select previously entered labels.
  • How might they be harmed? – Add any further relevant details of the hazard.
  • Link to legislation – Select any legislation you’d like to link in with the hazard. Draws through depending on your selected hazard type(s).
  • What are you already doing? – Detail your current control measures.

3. Click Add.

4. You can now click Close, unless you would like to add an additional control.

You can make a copy of a hazard that’s already been added to another Risk Assessment. This creates a carbon copy and doesn’t overwrite the original.

1. Click Copy Hazard.

2. Use the drop-down menu to select the hazard you want to copy.

3. Check and amend the details as needed. If you edit anything, this will not change the hazard within existing risk assessments, just the one you are adding the copy to.

4. Click Add.