Docy Child

Add an Aspect

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Watch our video or read our step-by-step guide to learn how to to add an aspect.

TIP: Before adding your first aspect, ensure your organisation has completed the setup.

1. Hover over the Registers tab and click Aspects.

2. Click Add Aspect, located on the right just above the aspect categories.

3. Complete each step.

We have provided you with associated environmental impacts that can be selected using the tick boxes, or you can free type your own.

You can also link any aspects to one or more pieces of relevant legislation in your environment legal register.

TIP: Hover over the i next to a piece of legislation for a short summary of a piece of law. You can see your compliance status on the right if you have used the traffic light status function.

4. Once you have completed the significance evaluation and added your justification, your aspect will be given a score which can be viewed at the bottom of the page.

Adding a justification is important as this will provide reasoning for each of your chosen scores, and contribute to your audit trail of an aspect’s history in the future.

5. Click Save.

6. Once you have added all your aspects, it is important to remember to set your significance threshold to determine which of your aspects are going to appear as significant.