Docy Child

Add a user

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

All Legislation Update Service accounts allow for unlimited users.

You’ll need to be a super-user to be able to follow the below steps.

If you aren’t, get in touch with your organisation’s super-user who can either add the user on for you or upgrade your access level – this is required for security purposes.

1. Click the user icon in the top right.

2. Click User Management.

3. Click Add New User in the top right.

4. Complete the fields in the form displayed with the new user’s details.

If you have a multi-site account, you’ll be able to choose which register to assign the user to.

5. Select their access level using the drop-down menu.

The levels are as follows:

  • Super-user — Full editing access for all sites in the account. Can add/edit other users.
  • Multi-user* — Editing access for one site in the account, read-only access to other sites.
  • User — Editing access to one site in the account. A good general level to use, but can’t add other users.
  • Observer — Read-only access to one site in the account. (These users can complete an action set for them)
  • Multi-observer* — Read-only access to all sites in the account
  • Risk Assessment User — Editing access to the Health & Safety Risk Assessment section only.

*You will only need to use these access levels if you have a multi-site account.

6. Click Add User.

Your new user will receive an email with a link to set up a password and log in.